The date, time and venue for the AGM have been set:
When: Monday 9 July 2018 at 7:30pm
Where: Moreton Hall Community Centre (the Bury venue, post code IP32 7EW)
The agenda and papers will be circulated to league officers and club secretaries via email. If you have items you would like to be discussed at the meeting, please note rule 1.2:
1.2 If a club or officer wishes to include and item on the AGM agenda they should notify the Administrative Secretary [Stephen Pride] at least three weeks before the meeting. This includes any proposal to change the rules, which should specify the proposed wording, though amendements may be considered at the AGM. The Administrative Secretary will circulate agendas and papers at least seven days before the AGM.
That three week period means you have until 18 June to send your proposals to Stephen Pride. You can find Stephen’s contact details in the BACL Handbook or on the website
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