BACL Rapidplay Cancelled (Sorry)

Those of you who read the BACL Handbook closely will have noticed that the BACL Rapidplay had been scheduled for Sunday 7 January 2018. Unfortunately this date clashed with county fixtures.

Despite best efforts we’ve been unable to find another date which both fitted around other chess events and could be accommodated at the venue.
As such, the 2017-18 BACL Rapidplay has been cancelled. We’ll try again next season.


All BACL players are welcome to come along to the Bury St Edmunds venue on Thursday 4th January at 7:30pm to join in a 5 round, 15-min Rapidplay tournament. This will not be a graded event. We ask just £1 attendance fee. Any takings over £20 will be returned in prize money.

It would be helpful to have some idea if you plan to come. Please drop me an email: steve [at]

About the Author

Steve Lovell
Steve Lovell
Steve is Internet Officer for the Bury Area Chess League, Admin Secretary for the Bury St Edmunds Chess Club and, since 2015, organiser of the Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress.

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